Monday, 9 December 2013

Project Proposal

The brief
An examination on the development of 'the home' in the Western Isles

What can be assumed about inhabitants by the exterior of a dwelling place
do these structures show how Hebridean ways of living have changed and developed over time?

The methodological considerations
photograph multiple dwelling places from multiple era's, use techniques discussed in class
analyse what can be said about the inhabitants from the shots

equipment needs
camera- phone
- actual camera
computer to upload data -laptop
place to record research- blog

sample considerations
Blackhouses - Garenin
ancient  -broch
19th C buildings -Balemartin
20th C buildings -detached houses
21st C buildings -kit houses
-new builds

ethical issues to be considered
private property
awareness that owners might not want their home photographed or displayed publicly

restraints and issues to be expected
Weather!!! can be too wet and windy to get out photographing 

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